INX is proud to share with you the INX 5.15 release. You will receive an email alerting you when the release is ready.
Download the INX V5.15 Full Release Notes Here
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INX InFlight Mobile (NEW!)
NEW! INX InFlight 2.0 (Mobile App) Release
As part of the 5.15 release, a new iOS and Android app is now available for mobile phone devices (tablet devices are not supported). To use the new app, InFlight must be upgraded to versions 5.15+. The new app offers more robust security and reliability to ensure your workforce are kept updated when viewing their itinerary.
Based on the settings of the mobile device, it also has support for French and Spanish languages in addition to English.
Access management has been simplified by the introduction of an Administration page dedicated to Mobile Management. This allows administrators to provision/deprovision individuals or users in bulk.
There is no longer a need to generate a PIN number and communicate it to the employee. When a user is provisioned, they will receive an email with a link to download the InFlight app.
Once installed, the user can enter the mobile number that has been provisioned. To login, the user will be required to enter a verification code that they will be sent via SMS.
On successful login the user is taken to the Itinerary page, where they can view their travel and accommodation events.
From the itinerary page, the user can access more information on each event.
The new INX InFlight 2.0 app consists of 5 pages:
- Your itinerary
- An overview of past, present and future events
- Travel information: further details on a travel event (including flight status for multi-leg travel events)
- Room information: accommodation details for the stay
- Your Details
- Information stored in InFlight (name, phone number, roster, home & work port, workgroup and supervisor)
- Your Organisation
- Company name, work site, work site administrator, phone number and email
- Including the ability to view information for multiple organisations
INX InFlight
Group Maintenance Update
The Group Maintenance page under the Administration section has been redeveloped to improve the performance when updating a large quantity of profiles and the existing bulk options. In addition to this, users can now search for inactive profiles, emergency responders only and by roster.
New Bulk Actions have been introduced including:
- Activating inactive people
- Adding an end date to a roster
The logic behind the Activity dropdown (X days since last onsite) has been redefined and will now exclude any users that have never had a work status code (i.e., new starts, administrative staff) and those with a work status code in the future (those going to site at any point in the future).
Please reach out to your account manager for further information.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Issue Resolved |
Support# |
Group Maintenance – logic behind ‘30 days since last onsite’ |
12924 |
Validation on the Frequent Flyer ID field to prevent the ID being entered as a weight |
N/A |
Rotational Shared Room Issue – Allocating the wrong room |
5906 |
INX +Process
Auto delete draft workflows in bulk
A system setting to remove draft workflows after a certain number of days has been added to this version of +Process. This removes the need for an administrator to open each individual workflow to remove it, rather the system will now remove the draft workflows automatically.
Control number of days workflows appear in InTray
A setting has been introduced to set the number of days to display the following workflow statuses in the InTray:
- Committed workflows
- Cancelled workflows
- Declined workflows
By default, the setting is 28 days, but this can be set to any number. A different number can be assigned to each status. After the number of days, the workflows in the statuses outlined above, will no longer appear in the InTray.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Issue Resolved |
Support# |
Edit Profile > Update workport in +Process now removing future flights |
17754 |
Employment class option causing search to time out |
17456 |
INX InControl
There are lots of new enhancements in this release of INX InControl, described below. The release also enhances the user experience with the ability to transition and event by Erm and adding a Sequence of Findings tab in Event report.
- Actions dashboard – Enabling easier tracking of actions
- Simplify checklist review process – Make checklists relevant at the company level, enhance previews and relations to documents
- Allow the responsible organisation to be made mandatory
- Remove the reported elsewhere fields and the report details and Exposure pages
Actions Dashboard
- All users of the web application that have been assigned actions can now view them in one place on the landing page of InControl
- Actions are sorted into Overdue, Due Today, Due in a Week and Outstanding with No Due Date
- Supervisors can view the actions assigned to their direct reports, which are aggregated under the “My Team’s Actions” dashboard. This only applies to direct reports and doesn’t go down the entire reporting line structure.
- Supervisors are based on the “Supervisor” field on a person profile.
Ability to Define Checklists at company level
For the end-users:
- Give users the option to choose all the valid checklists to ensure adherence to quality and procedures
- Ability to quickly access the relevant checklists on the field
For the Administrators:
- Give administrators the ability to re-use checklists at the company level as well as define specific checklists for workgroups
- Checklists can now be configured to apply to certain event types at specific company levels
- Any existing checklists will apply to all company levels to preserve existing functionality
Ability to make Responsible Organisation mandatory
For the Administrators:
- Give administrators the flexibility of making responsible organisation mandatory when reporting an event per event type.
Remove Reported Elsewhere fields from Event Report page
For the Administrators:
- Give administrators the flexibility of removing the Reported Elsewhere field when reporting an event.
Remove Reported Elsewhere fields from the Exposure page and Reports
For the Administrators:
- Give administrators the flexibility of removing the Reported Elsewhere fields from the Exposure page and Reporting.
- The exposure page has a checkbox per line item to include events Reported Elsewhere
- Reports will have an individual checkbox on the report page itself which looks like this
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Issue Resolved |
Support# |
Release build language targets hard-coded to c#6 & c#7 |
ST-7568 |
AHI - Summary Event Report Listing report Reported By field is blank in Excel |
ST-7534 |
Event_Document preview is not available On IE |
ST-7531 |
Update INX product drop down to say "Moodle" instead of +LMS when the integration has been enabled in 5.15 |
ST-7527 |
MSMQ (Message Queue) Fills Up with Audit messages |
ST-7453 |
Values from ClassMembersDerived are not deleted. |
ST-5616 |
Windows Audit Failures generated by Business Services and Reporting Services aka the CN=INX issue |
ST-5581 |
Person search in InControl does not work for names with apostrophes |
ST-5565 |
Findings tab sequence in Event Report PDF not sorted in sequence |
ST-5564 |
Organisation names over 50 characters results in error in Registers Trees |
ST-5556 |
When Editing Records : Inactive Competency Classes and Types are selectable |
ST-5543 |
Outstanding Events Listing Incorrect Description |
ST-5475 |
Scheduler Service - bad email address handling improvements |
ST-5462 |
InControl - data not matching in report to event logged |
ST-5450 |
Display Control Class by Sequence in InControl Mobile |
ST-5441 |
System Administrator cannot assign other company level securities. |
ST-5394 |
ERM is unable to transition the event even if the responsible role on the workflow step is Event Report Manager |
ST-3867 |
FQML - Sentinel - Risk Action limits to 200 characters but DB says Max |
ST-3828 |
COV - mandatory tabs still required when impacts are unticked |
ST-3779 |
Competency Needs Matrix takes too long to download and open |
ST-3775 |
Inactive Compliances and Competencies and Roles display in Compliances and Competencies reports |
ST-3370 |
Mobile > Review Event > Event Checklist: The Checklist Item Count is not accurate (7 of 4 Checklist Responses Provided) |
ST-27 |
Event > Checklist Tab: The default Response Type of a Multiple Response Checklist causes a 500 - Unexpected Error to display |
ST-577 |
Overdue Event Action Notification is sending Overdue notice to supervisor before the number of days passed has been reached. |
ST-612 |
Event > Checklist > Action > Due Date/Responsibility is not mandatory when Event Type > Actions Details > Due Date/Responsibility is set as mandatory |
ST-732 |
Missing HSTS header |
ST-1487 |
Username enumeration from mobile endpoint |
ST-1560 |
Admin > Checklist and Condition Maintenance > Action Editor > Action Condition: Unable to Add Existing or Add New |
ST-2184 |
Release build language targets hard-coded to c#6 & c#7 |
ST-7568 |
INX InTuition
There are enhancements in this release of INX InTuition, described below. The release aims to improve user experience with increased ability to move and filter items. Many of the enhancements are requests direct from clients through our user workshops and ideas portal.
- Allow training events to be scheduled for a length of more than 7 days
- Course training events can now be scheduled to span more than 7 days and up to 28 days. Scheduled Training Events can be added for 1, 5, 7, 18, 28 days with different recurrence Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually.
- Move the 'Add' CCP requirement to role from Bottom to Top
- Navigation arrows have been added in Person Profile Tabs to improve experience when adding Compliances, Competencies and Procedures.
A double arrow down button has been added at the top right corner of CCP page which takes user to the bottom of the list.
A scroll up button has been added at the bottom of the list to scroll the page up after reaching certain level in a page. - Ability to Drag and Drop Attachment for Person CCP's
- A drag and drop feature allowing easier addition of files has been added to the attachment control when adding Person Profile attachments, CCPs and Procedure Revisions
- Maintain Role Requirements Screen filters
- When maintaining role requirements there are now extra filters enabling the ability to filter the overall role list by 'Company Level Selector' (to filter roles by company level), 'Role Class' (to filter roles by Class), text search field (to enable specific test search on role names) and option to filter/toggle the results to include/exclude inactive roles.
- Add the ability to clone a Role and its linked CCPs Requirements
- InTuition now provides the ability to clone defined Roles and their linked Compliances, Competencies & Procedures Requirements.
This is available via the Maintain Role Requirements administration page.
This provides are more efficient way to duplicate and modify operational roles with similar role requirements.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Summary |
Release Notes |
Reference# |
MSMQ (Message Queue) Fills Up with Audit messages |
Audit Queue no longer has excessive messages |
ST-7453 |
INX > Person Profile > Compliances: Successful message no longer displays |
Success confirmation message now displays when editing a compliance. |
ST-5748 |
Values from ClassMembersDerived are not deleted. |
ST-5616 |
When Editing Records : Inactive Competency Classes and Types are selectable |
Inactive Competency Classes and Types are no longer selectable when editing Competency records. |
ST-5543 |
System Administrator cannot assign other company level securities. |
The fix has been reverted. Now User security page is working as prior to the fix. i.e., cannot grant access to a company that is outside the access level of logged in user. |
ST-5394 |
Competency Needs Matrix takes too long to download and open |
Competency Needs Matrix performance has been improved from between 6-7 minutes (for large systems) down to about 1 minute. |
ST-3775 |
Inactive Compliances and Competencies and Roles display in Compliances and Competencies reports |
Inactive Compliances are not visible in Compliance Standard Report Types - Has Compliance, Needs Compliance, Expired Compliance, All People. |
ST-3370 |
Noticed 500 - Unexpected error on reports page under Courses and People category |
AS-3639 |
A suspended exceedance compliance is showing the user to be compliant |
Role Status - Compliances & Competencies now recognises a Person as non-Compliant if they have an exceeding compliance which they are currently suspended for. |
AS-3603 |
DOBs being removed from Person Profile after saving Person Settings |
Fixed issue where Person DOB is being removed from the Person Profile after checking the Assessor checkbox and saving Person Settings. |
AS-3570 |
InControl Weekly notification CCP Expiry section is inconsistent with InTuition CCP Expiry notification |
When clients have InControl and InTuition, the combined weekly notification has been improved. A Person does NOT receive Weekly notifications with Expired or About to Expire CCPs if they are no longer required for their active role. |
AS-3516 |
InTuition - Unable to Upload Competency with Pre-Requisites |
If pre-reqs have been met then a Competency should be able to be awarded to a Person Profile regardless of the historic pre-req Competencies records |
AS-3513 |
LookupName sorting on Needs Procedure Matrix does not work. |
Sorting has been improved when the exporting the Needs Procedure Matrix report to Excel. The report can correctly be sorted by Person LookupName when selected. |
AS-3489 |
Do not send notifications for expired or about to expire Competency when no longer required |
A Person no longer receives notifications on Expired or About to Expire Competencies if they are no longer required for their active roles. |
AS-3488 |
Do not send notifications for expired or about to expire Compliance when no longer required |
A Person no longer receives notifications on Expired or About to Expire Compliances if they are no longer required for their active roles. |
AS-3487 |
Referenced Procedure > Delete: Following message does not display Please delete all related records before deleting this Procedure |
When attempting to delete a Procedure (referenced in the system) there is now a warning message "Please delete all related records before deleting this Procedure" |
AS-3475 |
Export to Excel needs to export filtered records not all records |
Online Training reports can now be exported to Excel and filtered by Reference ID, Person Name, Course or Procedure Name |
AS-3474 |
InTuition - Course Calendar - Sub editors should have access to see historical training events |
Users with a security level of Sub Editor now have access to see historical training events. |
AS-3473 |
DO NOT send CCP expiry emails to Person profiles (ie. Supervisors) with a ceased date or are inactive |
CCP expiry emails are no longer sent to Person profiles (ie. Supervisors) with a ceased date or are inactive |
AS-3472 |
Role Status to indicate expired Compliance, Competency or Procedure as Red |
When viewing the Role Status of a Person Profile, an expired Compliance, Competency or Procedure is now represented as a red dot instead of an orange dot. This is to clearly indicate the Person is non-compliant. |
AS-3471 |
Restrict Duplicate CCPs being added in InTuition |
InTuition now prevents the user from creating duplicate roles, compliances, competencies & procedures. This further ensures integrity of the data entered into the system. |
AS-3470 |
INX InHealth
The InHealth 5.13 release is focused on a review of application security, reintroducing medical ad-hoc report types with security, a new Bookings and My Appointments section on the Home screen, and miscellaneous usability improvements based on feedback from clients.
INX InHealth Security Improvements
The security changes implemented enable clients with multiple sites to better segregate data and adhere to the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP), regardless of security roles assigned. It works by additionally comparing a privileged user’s assigned Site Security with the Workgroup of the data to be displayed and hiding data from a non-matching Workgroup.
Please review all application functionality in an upgraded UAT environment prior to implementation in Production to ensure continuity of access where relevant. Users with Site Security at the top level should maintain access to all areas of the application.
INX InHealth Security Improvements
Functionality |
Ref# |
Administrative: Performed oWasp security analysis. No critical or high severity issues found. Evaluated and addressed minor security issues through component upgrades in ICS-3267. |
ICS-3269 |
Improvement: Restrict users to their own site regardless of administrative privileges. This works by matching a list based on the user's Workgroup (Site | Section | Workgroup) selection and corresponding values across the application and limiting visible data based on that matching, including the list of People within InHealth. This enables organisations to divide up administrative privileges site by site within InHealth. |
ICS-3273 |
Improvement: Added security detection to Adhoc Reports and Adhoc Report Types to ensure only users that have appropriate permissions can create or run Adhoc Reports based on the data they return, overriding any application security granted. |
ICS-3265 |
Improvement: Added the ability to view the Hygiene Sampling calendar as part of the Occupational Hygiene role permission. This enables organisations to grant access to this calendar without also granting access to the Clinic calendar. |
ICS-3284 |
Improvement: Hashed out the Person Name field in the Exceedances tab of the Similar Exposure Group Details screen when a user has access to the SEG Register but does not have either Clinic Register or Occupational Hygiene permissions. |
ICS-3285 |
Improvement: Updated third-party components and libraries to incorporate latest security updates as provided by these components. Some minor usability changes flow through to InHealth on the basis of these component updates. |
ICS-3267 |
Fix: Improved security by removing the ability for a user with Administration privileges to elevate their own security permissions. This means a user with Administration privileges but not both Clinic Register and Occupational Hygiene cannot add their own account to any role in the system. The user will require another administrator to add to their role profile. |
ICS-3286 |
Fix: Ensured the alert icon is not displayed on person medical conditions or medications tabs in Person Details if the user does not have the necessary security granted. |
ICS-3280 |
Fix: Removed ability to see people unallocated to a SEG on the Clinic Overview page if the user only has Clinic Overview permissions and lacks Occupational Hygiene and/or SEG Register permissions. |
ICS-3281 |
INX InHealth Clinic Improvements
Functionality |
Ref# |
Improvement: Added new panel on the Home screen that shows recent (last 30 days) and upcoming (90 days) requested and booked consultations and allows the user to edit Requested appointments. This removes the reliance on granting users access to the Health Calendar to see their own bookings which also granted access to see other user's bookings. |
ICS-3289 |
Improvement: Added a new [Request Booking] button on the Home screen, allowing general INX users to request bookings without a specific InHealth security role assigned. This functionality is controlled by a new configuration option under InHealth Admin called 'Bookings' and provides options of: · None - the button is greyed out for everyone. · People - any users of the INX system (regardless of InHealth role) can access the button (default). · InHealth Users - only users that have a defined InHealth role and permissions can access the button. |
ICS-3287 |
Improvement: Enabled editing of the Consultation date-time and Assessment Type during the Consultation, so adjustments can be made in real time. |
ICS-2875 |
Improvement: Added ability to place 'Next Date' for clinic visits including visibility of roster particulars. |
ICS-2018 |
Improvement: Implemented optional [Save and Next] button on the Evaluations tab of a Consultation to improve user experience navigating through multiple evaluations. |
ICS-3274 |
Improvement: Deleting a Consultation previously required many fields to be cleared first. This has been improved so only attached data needs to be removed, making it easier to delete test Consultations and Consultations that have only just been started. Completed Evaluations will stop block Consultations from being deleted, which will be addressed in the future. |
ICS-2874 |
Improvement: Added ability to link Compliances to Health Monitoring Tests that automatically flow through to INX InTuition, including add a checkbox as the compliance trigger. |
ICS-3291 |
Improvement: Changed compliance date from Consultations to be based on the Booking date rather than Close Out date, to account for situations where the Close Out might not occur for some time after the consultation. |
ICS-3306 |
Fix: Fixed issue with blank document being downloaded on the Evaluations tab of a Consultation prior to navigating to a different tab and implemented save check. |
ICS-3274 |
INX InHealth Hygiene Improvements
Functionality |
Ref# |
Improvement: Added error checking of mandatory Roster details within Sampling Events. Without roster details, adjustments do not calculate correctly. |
ICS-3295 |
Improvement: Added ability to modify Sampling Events after the initial save but before the Sampling Event is closed, including changing the Date Range and scope of included SEGs. |
ICS-1778 |
Improvement: Miscellaneous improvements around SEGs including improvements to the SEG Register grid and search options as well as adding the SEG Code to the SEG Name in any place where the Code is not already displayed. |
ICS-1768 |
Improvement: Added options to filter by and highlight exceedances within the Hygiene Data Viewer. Filtering by exceedances will still return the entire row of data where one or more exceedances have been detected. |
ICS-3279, ICS-3296 |
Improvement: Made improvements to the Hygiene Data Viewer display including number/text alignment and handling of large and special characters. |
ICS-1766 |
Improvement: Enhanced Sample Events so that Void samples do not prevent the Sample Event from being closed out where the number of valid samples is less than the minimum sample size. InHealth will now prompt the user for optional close out if the count of valid samples is less than the minimum sample size AND the count of valid + void samples is greater than or equal to the minimum sample size. |
ICS-3262 |
Improvement: Added colour contrast logic to the Data tab in the Sample Event Details to ensure readability of text based on the background highlight colour as specified in the Administration area. The font colour will automatically displayed either black or white depending on the background colour of the cell in the table. |
ICS-3297 |
Fix: Fixed tooltip size in Sample Events that rendered the tooltip unreadable. |
ICS-1822 |
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Functionality |
Ref# |
Added ability to drag and drop documents and attachments into the browser instead of requiring the user to select the file system and navigate to the file in a browser control. |
ICS-2020 |
Added version number to left-nav menu to be consistent with other INX modules. |
ICS-3268 |
Enabled better application logging including logging to the Sumo engine so that INX Software can better support clients who experience issues. |
ICS-1712 |
Enabled users to allocate a person to a SEG from within the Person Details screen on the SEG tab or Clinic Overview, as long as they have the relevant permissions. |
ICS-3292 |
Fixed issue where documents linked to Inactive persons could not be downloaded and were listed as 'not found'. |
ICS-3266 |
Fixed issue where Person Workgroup is not updated after the second save on the Person Details page. |
ICS-1627 |
Fixed issue where refreshing the Preview tab in Adhoc Reports may report an error in the Microsoft .NET Framework while trying to load assembly. |
ICS-3220 |
Fixed issue where arrow disappears in Exposure Group Allocation when the user changes the page size to 50. |
ICS-2093 |
Fixed issue where Medications and Medical Conditions pertaining to people who have never been involved in a Consultation were not showing on reports. |
ICS-3307 |
Fixed issue where implementing a new InHealth instance would sometimes not correctly synchronise and encrypt the link to all persons from the INX Core database. This synchronisation is now automatically triggered for all records as necessary upon accessing a Person Details page. |
ICS-3283 |
Functionality |
Ref# |
Added InHealth project into the Octopus deployment pipeline so that fresh installations and upgrades can be deployed easier for clients and quality can be assured. |
ICS-2295 |
Improved InHealth database scripts so they are automatically run (and re-runnable) so that any necessary database changes applied without manual intervention. |
ICS-1729 |
System Requirement Updates
- Microsoft SQL 2016 is the minimum supported server version.
- net core runtime 3.1.6 is required for instances where the Training API is in place for INX Assessor
- .NET framework 4.7.2 is required as of INX Version 5.8
- .NET Runtime has been updated to version 6
INX Software V5.12 End-of-Life
We would like to advise all clients that V5.12 of the INX Software suite reached its End-of-Life when V5.15 was released.
All software versions from V5.12 and older will no longer be actively supported by our Customer Service team. You are welcome to remain on older instances of INX; with the understanding and acceptance that support can only be provided on a best-effort basis.
We highly recommend that you speak to your Account Manager to define a plan to upgrade if you are not currently on V5.13 or newer.