What’s New in INX SAM Suite Version 6.3.44
We’re excited to share with you updates, improvements and a new key feature:
New Feature
Virgin Australia Regional Airline (VARA) No Show integration
The VARA airline integration has been extended to now include reporting No Shows directly into the SAM UI.
Changes to the Transport Types Active page in SAM
SAM users are no longer required to enter a “reason for change” when updating transport details for a date
range on the Change Transport Times page. This aligns with updating an individual line via the schedule on
the Transport Types Active page. [#51897]
SAM administrators can access SRF111 parameters
The SAM parameters SRF111_NumberOfDayShift and SRF111_NumberOfNightShift can now be edited by
a user who has the permissions of “SAM Admin”, “Flight Admin” and Accommodation Admin”. This is
selected in their user account.
Grid filtering on parameter pages
SAM user with access to parameters can now use a search filter on grids within the parameter pages at
room type level. This will assist users when there is a large number of values within the grid on the
parameter pages.
Workflow Folio document to honour the room type fill order
Folio document will honour the “Fill Order” rules set up in SAM for room types when the system is set to
automatically pick rooms. This improvement specifically applies to a booking made to a different camp from
the Travellers camp in their profile. [#42937]
Report data improvements for Cleaning Notes
SRF314 Cleaning Notes has been enhanced to add the occupant’s name to the report. There are two new
columns on this report – previous occupant and current occupant. The previous occupant will refer to the last
departure from that room and the current occupant will either be the arrival or the current occupant for that
room on that clean date. [#30969]
Waitlist visibility in Workflow Flight availability page
In Workflow, the Links | Flight Availability page now displays waitlist information for each flight. If the SAM
parameter AllowWaitlistingOfTransport = Y, then two columns will be visible on the grid: Waitlisted Seats
and Waitlisted Seats Avail.
• Waitlisted Seats will display the number of resources waitlisted on this transport.
• Waitlisted Seats Avail will display the number of waitlisted spots still available for this transport.
Please note that the transports must be configured to allow waitlisting and have a maximum waitlist number
allocated. [#30569]
Folio Document improvements on the day of arrival
Where an arrival is confirmed for today and a Folio document has been raised today to extend that booking
on site, then Folio will retain the arrival room booking. This helps when the traveller has already checked into
their arrival room, prior to the Folio document being approved.
SRF111 Drug And Alcohol accurate reporting
We have resolved the issue where the SRF111 Drug And Alcohol was generating the incorrect number of
people as per the SAM parameters; SRF111_NumberOfDayShift and SRF111_NumberOfNightShift.
Assign room message
We have identified and resolved the issue when assigning a room in a profile. The system displays a
message that they are about to assign a room to a resource that is not at their assigned camp, when the
room is located at the users assigned camp. This incorrect message will no longer appear.
Profile completion dates
We have resolved the issue where SAM profiles completed with a date of tomorrow were incorrectly
becoming deactivated immediately. These profiles will stay active and be completed on the date entered in
the completion date field by the night audit. [#41788]
Deactivating cost codes
We have resolved the issue, where a cost code could not be deactivated if it was used in a past group
booking. [#51733]