Criteria Page
This template outlines the information required by the Vix Resources Service Desk, when your travel team is logging any issues relating to the Workforce Kiosk.
Issue Reporting Template
SAM Customer: xxxxxx
Requestor: xxxxxx (Name of Person in Travel Team)
*Mobile Number: xxxxxx
Device Operating System(IOS): Android/Apple
Software version: xxxxxx
Model: xxxxxx
Time date error occurred: dd/mm/yyyy & hh:mm
Screenshot of error message (please attach) It is very important that we can get a screenshot of the error. Please refer links to How do I guides for taking screenshots on your mobile. &
Troubleshooting Tips
The Travel Team can potentially resolve the issue by checking and updating the following data. If Travel Team have completed these troubleshooting steps & issue still exists log a ticket with VIX Resources Service Desk:
Mobile number must be in international format i.e. +61436411288
Workforce Enrolment Group must be: yes
SAM > Profile > Off Site > +61436411288
SAM > Profile > Groups > Workforce Kiosk Enrolment: Yes
T 1300 015 349 E |
Level 1, 50 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 Australia | |