21st September 2022
What’s New in INX SAM Suite Version 6.3.27
We’re excited to share with you some new key features, updates, and improvements:
INX SAM – Set aroom deactivation by date – bulk room update
The final stage of the set a room to deactivate by datefunctionality has been completed.
Users can now set a deactivation date in a bulk capacity via the bulk update function within the INX SAM menu,underRooms | Search.
INX SAM - Update 'Deactivate Room' functionality in Night Audit
Set a room to deactivate functionality has been updated so the Night Audit will look for rooms with a deactivation date between <today - 7 days> and <today>.
Extra validation in INX SAM has been added to restrict users from adding deactivation dates to rooms that are in the past. A tooltip advises that “deactivation dates can only be from today onwards”.
When adding a deactivate date to a room linked to a virtual room, the deactivate by date will be replicated in both rooms.
When reactivating a room, any pre-existing deactivation dates for that room will be removed.
New Features
INX SAM users will now see the room status description in a tool tip when hovering over the room statuscode.
The INX SAM Accommodation Arrivals and Accommodation Departures pages now display the arrival date and the last night date in separate columns.
You can now can set a person's profile to require a locker to complete the booking to site. You can do this by setting the “requires a locker for booking” to yes.
Improvements have been made to the following:
- The arrival tab within SRF163 - Arrival Departure 2, where new columns will now display the room type description only, the previous camp (if different to the current arrival camp) and the last night of accommodation of the arrival room number. [#24904]
- SRF304 SAM No Shows whereby the user can now report by department. [#28232]
- SRF176 Room Occupancy To Excel has been improved whereby the user now can report on the “RoomPlantId” and “RoomPhone” of a room.
- SRF172 People Days, whereby the user can now stipulate the cost code and camp when defining the report criteria. [#27752]
- SRF125 Monthly Personnel has been made so the data generated is based on the exact date range entered into the start and end date fields. [#26411]
- SRF190 Room Status and Ownership. Users now can; search only active camps and rooms, exclude virtual rooms and include the additional field
‘ReportData.PermanentRoomAssignmentDate’ as a search option. [#26901]
Fixes have been applied to the following:
- The pop-up message to confirm the user intends to delete a room lock. [#28411]
- Workflow where the camp dropdown filter was not working. [#28206]
- An INT transport sector, which was part of an INT/OUT multisector, to be rescheduled to an earlier date and did not remove the accommodation booking. [#27926]
- INX SAM user was unable to allocate the same room following the expiration of room ownership. [#27093]