What’s New in INX SAM Suite Version 6.3.35
We’re excited to share with you some new key features, updates, and improvements:
Improvements have been made to the following:
- In SAM, on the View Room Bookings By Room page, the tick boxes under “Remove From
Room” column for past and current bookings are greyed out as they are not able to be
moved. [Improvement to a Canny idea]
- INX SAM users can now select all future bookings to remove from a room, by selecting the
tick box in the header. [Improvement to a Canny idea]
- SRF301 Workflow User List now includes the new fields of Employer and Department.
These fields have also been added to the search criteria as /eids and /dids. [#34310]
Fixes have been applied to the following:
- Resolved a bug in SAM that caused an error when attempting to delete a CBAPI integrated group booking day trip. [#41571]
- In SAM, the room upload spreadsheet was incorrectly validating “ok to process” when there were mandatory fields missing.
- In SAM, where creating new cost codes via the Bulk update function was not adding the new cost codes into SAM. [#40080]
- SRF316 Workflow KPI Detail was not returning data for the fields Reason for Travel and Additional Details in the report. [#37728]
- In Workflow, when an approver is inactive, they were still displaying in the approval drop down list to send the request to. [#35894]
- In Workflow, under the Links menu, the Folio Itinerary was not displaying the passenger’s name using the SAM profile. [#35065]