What’s New in INX SAM Suite Version 6.3.39
We’re excited to share with you some updates, and improvements:
• You can now experience improved loading times when searching for workflow users in Workflow.
• When a Folio Pro user submits a reschedule request in Workflow, they will no longer see transports
on a rescheduled request when they do not exist in SAM. [#40041]
• We have made further improvements to the parameter CleanUpExpiredGroupBookingMode in SAM,
which has now been split into three parameters:
- This will allow separate configuration for the night audit’s behaviour around Event Management Events and Group bookings to enable the clean-up to be completed on either
the start date and/or the end date of a group booking. - A new checkbox has been created within a Group Booking to allow the user to individually
override the clean-up for that single group booking. The checkbox is named “Do not remove
Group booking on the date out” and by selecting this checkbox, it will override the parameter
"CleanUpExpiredEndDateGroupBookingMode" set to the Remove value. This means that
group booking will not be removed from the system, even if you have the parameter set to
Remove. - Event Management now has its own parameter.
- This will allow separate configuration for the night audit’s behaviour around Event Management Events and Group bookings to enable the clean-up to be completed on either
The new parameters are:
1. CleanUpExpiredEventMode
2. CleanUpExpiredEndDateGroupBookingMode
3. CleanUpExpiredStartDateGroupBookingMode
For further information please contact our Support team.
- Sequence numbers now appear as expected on the Manage Booking Sequence page in SAM.
- When a Workflow user has auto fill enabled on their browser while in the traveller's detail tab, they
were able to incorrectly update the following fields - first name, surname, phone, email. [#45493,
31372, 37560]
- While using the commercial flight functionality in Folio, we have applied a fix so past and future
bookings are no longer removed in SAM once a document was completed. [#41814]
- A Workflow requestor was unable to submit a reschedule for a day trip on a Folio document, which
now works as expected. [#47585]